

We are pioneers in clinical proteomics, having led the development of capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS). Key breakthroughs include the creation of a stable and proprietary CE-MS technology, ensuring reproducible and comparable analyses. We have also established robust protocols for sample collection and preparation, as well as internal standards for precise data normalization. In addition, we have developed proprietary software tools to manage big data effectively, resulting in the creation of an extensive urinary proteome database. Today, our technology is employed for clinical diagnostics and biomarker identification, driving advancements that have an impact on healthcare and the future of personalized medicine.

Our CE-MS technology stands out due to its:

  • Database with more than 85 000 datasets
  • Fast, reliable, and reproducible results with high resolution and speed.
  • Capability for qualitative and quantitative analysis of urinary peptides/proteins.

Worldwide unique proteome database

We are proud to present a ground-breaking achievement in the world of proteomics - a urinary proteome database that promises to revolutionize research and innovation. 

The urinary proteome database holds information from >85000 urine samples and associated data. This repository offers researchers, scientists, and healthcare professionals a resource to accelerate discoveries and advance our understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with diseases, and to develop new biomarkers. Using the power of the database, the identification of biomarkers can be performed in a targeted, fast, and efficient manner.

Further reading

Mavrogeorgis, E., Mischak, H., Latosinska, A., Siwy, J., Jankowski, V., & Jankowski, J. (2021). Reproducibility Evaluation of Urinary Peptide Detection Using CE-MS. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(23), 7260.

Latosinska, A., Siwy, J., Mischak, H., & Frantzi, M. (2019). Peptidomics and proteomics based on CE-MS as a robust tool in clinical application: The past, the present, and the future. Electrophoresis, 40(18-19), 2294–2308.

Mischak, H., Vlahou, A., & Ioannidis, J. P. (2013). Technical aspects and inter-laboratory variability in native peptide profiling: the CE-MS experience. Clinical biochemistry, 46(6), 432–443.

Latosinska, A., Siwy, J., Mischak, H., & Frantzi, M. (2019). Peptidomics and proteomics based on CE-MS as a robust tool in clinical application: The past, the present, and the future. Electrophoresis, 40(18-19), 2294–2308. 

Stalmach, A., Albalat, A., Mullen, W., & Mischak, H. (2013). Recent advances in capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for clinical proteomic applications. Electrophoresis, 34(11), 1452–1464.

Siwy, J., Mullen, W., Golovko, I., Franke, J., & Zürbig, P. (2011). Human urinary peptide database for multiple disease biomarker discovery. Proteomics. Clinical applications, 5(5-6), 367–374.


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